Capital Market Operations and its Impacts on Local Investments in Nigeria
Suberu O. J.,
Aremu O. S.,
Afonja J. A.
Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2015
6 February 2015
5 March 2015
14 March 2015
Abstract: This study examines the Nigerian capital market Operations, and its impact on Local investments in Nigeria aswith The main theoretical model, growth results from innovations that allow local sectors to catch up with frontier technology. In developing countries, catching up requires the cooperation of a foreign investor who is familiar with the frontier technology and a domestic entrepreneur who is familiar with local conditions, In such a country, domestic capital market matters for innovation, and therefore growth, because it enables the local entrepreneur to put equity into this cooperative venture (Philippe Aghion et al 2009)and to empirically analyze the impact of the capital market operations on local investment. In analyzing the impact, the time series of data cover the period of 1972 to 2011. Gross domestic Product is regressed on the Capital market variables (Market capitalization, Number of Dealings and All share indexes) to check the long run effect of capital market activities on the growth of the economy neoclassical growth model is use to explain the source of growth in the economy. The relevance of the capitalmarket in the encouragement of local investment and economic development were highlighted. The paper concludes with recommendation to stem up investors confidence and activities in the capital market so that it could contribute significantly to the growth of local investment in Nigeria.
Abstract: This study examines the Nigerian capital market Operations, and its impact on Local investments in Nigeria aswith The main theoretical model, growth results from innovations that allow local sectors to catch up with frontier technology. In developing countries, catching up requires the cooperation of a foreign investor who is familiar with the fron...
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Impact of Economic, Social and Environmental Variables on Competitiveness of Automotive Industry: Evidence from Panel Data
Abdul Hannan,
Faheem Haider,
Nisar Ahmad,
Tahira Ishaq
Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2015
26 February 2015
13 March 2015
18 March 2015
Abstract: The study is aimed to examine the impact of economic, social and environmental factors on the competitiveness of automotive industry. Competitiveness of industry is measured by the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Index. Fixed effect model is estimated by using the data of 14 Asian countries for the period ranging from 1991 to 2012. Results show that competitiveness of automotive industry is positively related to economic performance, human capital development, urbanization and tariff rate while negatively affected by lending rate and carbon emission both in developed and developing nations of Asia. Findings of the study suggest that external factors should be given due consideration particularly lending rate, human capital development and tariff to improve the competitiveness of automotive industry. Automotive policies in developing countries should improve their human capital and encourage foreign investors with adequate protection to local industry.
Abstract: The study is aimed to examine the impact of economic, social and environmental factors on the competitiveness of automotive industry. Competitiveness of industry is measured by the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Index. Fixed effect model is estimated by using the data of 14 Asian countries for the period ranging from 1991 to 2012. Results sho...
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